Greg Felix “Felix the Cat”- Treasurer
Greg is really our wolf in cat’s clothing. He is a dog person who has looked deep into the eyes of our kittens and now has a heart for TNR.
Jean Gardiner - Director / Community Relations
Jean has been an active volunteer in several animal rescues throughout the years. She is an active member of St. Louis Feral Cat Outreach and an advocate for TNR programs. She learned first-hand about Full Circle MO Feral when she was unexpectedly presented with the opportunity to foster a feral mom and 2 kittens with the support of Full Circle.
In her spare time she enjoys spending time outdoors. Jean currently has 2 Akita mix rescues and a fixed colony of cats that have made her porch their home.
Professionally Jean works as a business consultant and counselor. She has a B.S. in Enginerring Management and a M.S. in Mental Health Counseling.
Camryn Nielsen - Secretary & Digital Media
Camryn is a life long cat lover and spay/neuter advocate. She has a passion for creating & has a bachelors degree from SEMO in mass communcations : advertising with a minor in integrated marketing.
She spends most of her time snuggled up with her cat Simon while listening to true crime podcasts.